Saturday, December 30, 2006

Pre-2007 Posting

So in Darwin for another New Years Eve – that will make two in row! Unfortunately this year Megg’s and Darren will be in Perth so a civilized dinner, drinks and dancing is not on the cards - but get to spend NYE with my neighbours (yes they are still talking to me after committing their housemate - who is doing a lot better now) and the girls before they run a muck in town. Think the plan is The Vic early (yes for those Adelaide ppl Darwin has a Vic and sadly it is a ‘local’.) and then back home for the party next door. Would rather battle the stairs to get home than trying to battle for a cab early in the morning.

So what has been happening? Well Perth can not come soon enough, sadly Boxing Day Sales in Darwin are a little under done – there is only so much Target, Kmart and Big W that a girl can handle. Anyways that being said the monsoonal rains are just about here and while some of you guys struggle with Stage 3 water restrictions and water police in Darwin the automatic sprinklers still come on at midnight and trying to lock up work anytime before 5:30pm means getting saturated by the afternoon storms! Ruined a good pair of points the other day while trying to lock the gates, had a torrent of water up to my mid calves rushing past!

So Chrissy day was just a little bit special as far as orphans christmas' go. Had champagne and croissants with the neighbours, then out for brunch (which was actually full on lunch with bugs, prawns, oysters, roasts and puddings) then had to back-up and get set for the next location for what was to be my X-Mas lunch. Argh, lucky for a break in the afternoon and then the brilliant idea that Jager Bombs would be perfect instead of pudding… So swimming in the pool on Christmas night was just a top way to end the festivities.

So plans for 2007… (apart from meet the man of my dreams -*cough*). Have just about committed to finding my next holiday destination. Only 3 weeks this time, Cambodia and Vietnam via Singapore and Bangkok – only prob is two uni subjects, between now and then - so can’t go til June/July holidays (that means I get to Thailand in HOTTEST season, braved HOTTER last time so should be able to survive!!)

Mum comes up to visit on the 13th Jan, she comes in from Brissy (same flight as my flatmate and his girlfriend as they get back from Melbourne and Tassie respectively). So with the house to myself the Austar (Foxtel) remote is securely in my sole position, a blissful week thus far with no war time documentaries or MXC or Viva La Bam to think of… the bench in the kitchen is clean and the fridge is pretty much beer free – actually its just been replaced by Red Bull (yes the Jager Bombs are back for NYE) and wine.

Well, have a top NYE everyone, be good - miss you all and all the Best for 2007!