Monday, August 28, 2006

What's been happening???

Last weekend saw me travel to Katherine for a mini road trip (280 km south of Darwin) for a night out at the Diggers Rest. The radio Station Hot 100 held a night there, so when one of the girls got 4 free tickets and accommodation on Last Minute we were set.

Territory Roads once you get outside of a town are generally all Unlimited Speed, so before you know it you’re checking tyre pressure and guessing ‘she’ll run nicely at 140kmp/h … not sure about fuel economy at $1.41 per litre though’

Anyways Katherine put on a pretty good night and then scooted home again to civilisation in Darwin.

From Wednesday I have a new neighbour across the duck pond (the local term for the marina) as Paul moves into a flat with some ppl on the other side of my bldg. I think he will be glad to be moving out from the ‘hells angel wannabe’ and into somewhere normal, fingers crossed they are normal. Did offer the rooftop tent option if he got really stuck, but that didn’t seem to go down too nicely.

So September is just around the corner.. September happenings

Meagan and Darren move to Perth (good luck)
Megan and Michael expecting the arrival of their first bub!
My Cousin Emma is getting married on the 23rd (updated as I am hopeless with dates) (yes Grand Final Day, obviously they are Queenslanders and do not appreciate the AFL - not that I am concerned with the GF as the Power are not able to get into the 8)
Have discovered Cairns has a Myer
Hence .. Friday 22nd Sept arrive Cairns … go shopping

Thursday 28th Sept - Adelaide for a half day training session for work (watch this space if I can cope with missing two weeks worth of uni for a 100% exam will stay longer)

That’s it for me! Take it easy All xox